άργυρος argentum Ar |
flowers of Ushuaia |
... convincing Juan Perón of anything is no easy task |
... Patriotism, defined as loyalty to the nation state and its then leaders, along with the symbols thereof, and without which loyalty a man must think himself a scoundrel, as in all other nation states of European Christendom ... |
This admittedly impressive equestrian monument by French sculptor Albert-Ernest Carrier de Belleuse (1824–1887) honors Manuel Belgrano (3 June 1770 – 20 June 1820), Argentine lawyer, statesman, independence warrior and designer of the Flag of Argentina. It is located in the central-most Plaza de Mayo of Buenos Aires, only a few meters from a major street named Reconquista. But no, like compatriot José de San Martín (25 February 1778 – 17 August 1850), Belgrano's courage and martial energies were directed not toward the common defense of Christendom against the Muslim menace, but rather toward fratricidal conflicts with other Descendants of European Christendom, in Europe and in the Americas. |
... and as in all the other nation states of European Christendom, bronze statutes of the highest-ranking heroic men on hapless horses, here in Mendoza for the ubiquitous José Francisco de San Martín |
El altar principal de la Catedral Metropolitana de Buenos Aires |
Main Altar and choir of la Catedral Católico Metropolitana de Buenos Aires |

La Catedral Católico Metropolitana de Buenos Aires
Madre de Dios de Vladimir – Nuestra Señora Vladímir |

... from Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego |
La Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Luján |

Nuestra Señora de Luján, La Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Luján en la provincia de Buenos Aires, la patrona de la Argentina. |
Y estando Jesús en Betania, en casa de Simón el leproso, vino a él una mujer, con un vaso de alabastro de perfume de gran precio, y lo derramó sobre la cabeza de él, estando sentado a la mesa. Al ver esto, los discípulos se enojaron, diciendo: ¿Para qué este desperdicio? Porque esto podía haberse vendido a gran precio, y haberse dado a los pobres. Y entendiéndolo Jesús, les dijo: ¿Por qué molestáis a esta mujer? pues ha hecho conmigo una buena obra. Porque siempre tendréis pobres con vosotros, pero a mí no siempre me tendréis. Porque al derramar este perfume sobre mi cuerpo, lo ha hecho a fin de prepararme para la sepultura. De cierto os digo que dondequiera que se predique este evangelio, en todo el mundo, también se contará lo que ésta ha hecho, para memoria de ella. |
Mateo 26:6-13 (Marcos 14:3-9; Juan 12:1-8)

The photo was taken on 7 March 2014, and Hugo Chávez died two days earlier, so of course the flag of Argentina at the Casa Rosada Presidential Palace should be ordered to fly at half mast for him, after all the Corruption Perception Index for 2012 (Transparency International) ranked Venezuela as 165th out of 176 countries ranked (higher number ranking indicating more corruption), while Argentina only managed to grab the 102/176 place. |
La Catedral de Córdoba, Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción – Our Lady of the Assumption Cathedral of Córdoba |

La Catedral de Córdoba, Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción |
23 April 2013 |

Our Lady of the Assumption Cathedral of Córdoba, Argentina ... hey, maybe with the current academic and episcopal leadership of the Catholic Church, their "Ecumenical Jihad" theological nonsense and suicidal shepherdship and their incessant entreaties at the highest level for mass immigration into European Christendom, we will all soon — certainly within the lifetimes of most people now in their thirties — see the Christian Cathedral of Córdoba, Argentina become a Muslim Mosque, as civilizational lived mea culpa and to make up for having turned la Mezquita-catedral de Córdoba, Andalucía, España (the Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain) into a Church, as part of taking back in 781-year-long Reconquista part of the lands and peoples the murdering Muslims stole from us, from Christendom. |
Córdoba, Argentina |
Monument of 1930 to Dante Alighieri by Francisco Petroni in Córdoba in Argentina |
Una niña tocando el xilófono en la Manzana Jesuítica de Córdoba – girl playing xylophone in the The Jesuit Block in Córdoba |
XVII century Jesuit Church – Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús de Córdoba |
Monument and central square in Córdoba to the honor of Argentina's national hero, José Francisco de San Martín y Matorras (1778 – 1850) |
Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, the Land of Fire ... |
stark brisk beauty |
Looking down from the Martial Mountains around Ushuaia, the southernmost city in European Christiandom and in the world (with apologies to Puerto Williams), on the Isla Grande de Tierra Del Fuego, and across the water, the unfortunately named Beagle Channel, to the land on the other side, the Chilean-owned Navarino Island. |
Ushuaia serves as the main point of embarkation for cruise ships travelling to Antarctica ... well, to the Antarctic Peninsula, the destination for the vast majority of travelers, now up to more than thirty thousand per year. These trips are extremely resource-consumptive, and priced accordingly, US$ five to six thousand being the rock-bottom cost for the shortest trip. The organizers of these voyages and the owners of the tour companies in question spend much time and energy speaking of environmental concerns affecting this pristine environment — the last frontier — of anthropogenic climate change and of adverse human impact on whale species, all to the socialite socialists and assorted children of privilege who can afford such expeditions, and all the while repeating the absurdly hypocritical rationale that "one can not be an advocate for something one does not know about," as if viewing a couple of well-made films and reading a couple of well-written articles would not equally well inform all concerned of the issues. Of course the best and only thing these well-healed tourists could have done for the natural environment of Antarctica and that of the world in this connection would have been to not have taken the trip. And all this of course touches on another theme connected with this present project, United European Christendom, and even this website. It would indeed be unfortunate if, viewing pretty pictures here, hypermobiles take only the lesson of, "Gee, isn't it wonderful to travel. Let's go to Argentina and Antarctica on our way back from Bangkok." The point of all this is rather the creation of a visual impression, publishing factual testimony, that European Christendom is in fact one civilization. |

[ insert photos of these islands from Antarctica folder ] |
El pueblo de Ushuaia a quienes ... con su sangre regaron las raíces de nuestra soberanía sobre malvinas ... vol \ eremos ///
Discussion on this website, if any, of the Malvinas-Falklands conflict, the ten-week European Christendom mini-civil war of 1982 (649 Argentine and 255 British military personnel plus 3 Falkland Islanders dead from 2 April through 14 June), will have to await another day, and another webpage ... |
... as will the very much not unrelated question of the Beagle Conflict, the near war between Argentina and Chile, at the end of 1978 — averted through the intervention of John Paul II and his envoy, Cardinal Antonio Samoré — arising over a border dispute to the far south of the continent and the ownership of the Picton, Nueva and Lennox Islands, three worthless pieces of rock at the eastern, Atlantic-side mouth of the Beagle Channel, the ownership of which however affects maritime and mineral rights under other international standards, agreements and treaties. Spats among brothers will arise of course, and Argentina and Chile do share a 5300 kilometer long border, the third longest in the world. Still, the special absurdity of this still simmering internecine and fratricidal conflict, in some respects more incomprehensible than the present Ukrainian-Russian conflict, provides a poignant case study, in greed yes, but also in the ludicrous and ultimately untenable model which is nationalism. It will fall to the more insightful to consider whether the identity politics model of broader civilizational integrity plus a most major component of subsidiarity, and much smaller government and much lower taxes all around, is both more conducive to peace and prosperity, but also better aligned with all of historical reality, current events, intellectual integrity and Christian duty. |
... De regreso al norte de Ushuaia, cerca de 2500 kilómetros a vuelo de pájaro ...
... back up north of Ushuaia, about 2500 kilometers as the crow flies ... |
Aconcagua en los Andes, el pico de la montaña más alta de la cristiandad europea, 6.961 metros
Aconcagua in the Andes, the highest mountain peak in European Christendom, 6961 meters |
Heart of the Andes (1859) by Frederic Edwin Church (1826 - 1900), Hudson River School, MMA, NYC. Obviously Native American Ecuador and her people got a smaller but richer piece of land, and of the Andes. |
... a dapple grey lady not too far from La Cumbre |
La dolce vita in Buenos Aires |

... is that nice for John Paul II to be chasing Evita? ... |
Separation of Church and State? Just elevated to the pontificate, the intervention of John Paul II and his envoy, Cardinal Antonio Samoré, were the reason why Argentina did not go to war with Chile at the end of 1978, with tens of thousands dead, at least. |

Cristo Redentor de los Andes – Christ the Redeemer of the Andes, at the Andes Mountain Pass of Uspallata, 3,810 meters in elevation and running between Aconcagua to the north — at 6,961 meters the highest mountain peak in European Christendom — and Nevado Juncal (6,110 m) to the south, and connecting the Chilean city of Los Andes to the west with the Argentinian city of Mendoza to the east. |
Argentina - Cristiandad Europea Unida |
Argentina - United European Christendom |