Batalla de Covadonga - Battle of Covadonga
Summer of 722
¿Dónde y cómo se encuentran sus semejantes, esta vez de llevar a España y la cristiandad europea de su auto-creado por supuesto suicida de hedonismo, la pereza, la debilidad de espíritu, fascinación con la cobardía y el mal moral y físico?
Where and how will be find his like again, this time to lead Spain and European Christendom out of their self-created suicidal course of hedonism, laziness, weak-mindedness, facination with evil and moral and physical cowardice? |
Pelayo – Pelagius (* 685, reign as King of Asturias from 718 – 737†), King and founder of the Kingdom of Asturias, lead victory at the Battle of Covadonga (Summer of 722), thus beginning the Reconquista, the holy Christian reconquest of the Iberian peninsula from the invading Muslim Moors, who stole, sacked, ravaged and murdered their way through Visigothic Hispania, beginning in 711, such spiritual and corporeal nightmare not finally ending until Anno Domini 1492. |
Though not a watershed defeat for the Muslims and victory for the Christians as were the Battle of Poitiers in 732, the Battle of Kulikovo Field in 1380, the Battle of Lepanto in 1571 or the Battle of Vienna in 1683 — the expulsion of the Muslim Moors who invaded the Christian Iberian Peninsula in 711 Anno Domini requiried almost eight centuries, until 1492, to complete — the battle of Covadonga was no less heroic. The Christian forces under the new King Pelayo – Pelagius of the new Kingdom of Asturias defeated a Muslim force at least five times larger, preserving the independence of the mountainous Kingdom of Asturias from the Muslims. Curiously reminiscent of our own time in the XXI Century, one legend has it that the invading Muslims brought with them a Catholic bishop, Oppas, who tried to persuade the Christians to surrender to the Muslims. They ignored the traitorous bishop. |


Basilica of Our Lady of Covadonga, consecrated in 1901. |
... visited by Pope John Paul II on 20-12 August 1989. On occassions when this strange Pope, now canonized, was not Koran Kissing or holding confusion-sowing, Syncretic Sing-a-longs, he quite obviously and demostrably did recognize the true nature of Islam, here at Covadonga, as elsewhere. |


A tradition has it that Pelayo retreated to a cave where a hermit had hidden a statue of the Virgin Mary which had been saved from the invading Muslims. Pelayo prayed to the virgin for victory, and victory came. |

... Cangas de Onís, el Principado de Asturias, España |

Don Pelayo Primer Rey d España |

Near Oviedo, nitially part of a palace, completed in 848, and since the 12th or 13th Century consecrated the Church of Santa María del Naranco, an exquisite example of the architecture of Asturias. |

Basilica of Our Lady of Covadonga interior |
Consecrated in 1901 Anno Domini, the new Basilica of Our Lady of Covadonga |
☩ Este pequeño Monte sera la Salvacion de España ☩ Cronica de Alfonso III ☩ Nuestra Esperanza esta en Christo ☩ |
☩ This little Mountain will be the Salvation of Spain ☩ Chronicle of Alfonso III ☩ Our hope is in Christ ☩ |
"Rise, and have no fear." |
"This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him." |
the Holy Spirit |
Man proposes, God disposes |
España - Cristiandad Europea Unida |
Spain - United European Christendom |