Οικουμενικές Σύνοδοι - Oecumenicum Concilium - Ecumenical Councils - Вселенские Соборы
Universal (Οικουμενικός - Oikomenikos) Councils of Bishops from the whole inhabited world – Οἰκουμένη Γῆ
Founded in 963 Anno Domini by Saint Athanasius the Athonite - Άγιος Αθανάσιος ο Αθωνίτης (8 c. 920 – 5 July c. 1000 †),
and with the permission of the Emperor Romanus II, these frescos depicting the Seven Ecumenical Councils are in the narthex of the
main Church of the Holy Great Monastery, the Megiste Lavra, on Holy Mount Athos - Μονή Μεγίστης Λαύρας του Άγιο Όρος Άθως.

... the 1000-year-old Athanasius Cypress |
Church of Saint Athanasius the Athonite in the Great Lavra on Mount Athos and semantron |
Main Church to the honor of Saint Athanasius the Athonite in the Great Lavra on Mount Athos and Phiale
Athanasius Contra Mundum – Athanasius Against the World – Ο Αθανάσιος εναντίον του κόσμου |
Ἀθανάσιος Ἀλεξανδρείας – Saint Athanasius – Афанасий Великий, Confessor and Doctor of the Church,
*born c. 296-8; Patriarch of Alexandria from 328; reposed in the Lord 2 May 373†
Κύριλλος Ἀλεξανδρείας – Saint Cyril (Kirill) of Alexandria – Кирилл Александрийский, Doctor of the Church
*born c. 376; Patriarch of Alexandria from 412; reposed in the Lord 27 June 444†
Icon in the Храм Святителей Афанасия и Кирилла, патриархов Александрийских, на Сивцевом Вражке, Moscow |
Frescos written 1563 to 1564, depicting (from viewer's left to right) the First (325), Second (381), Third (431) and Fourth (451) Ecumenical Councils - Вселенские Соборы |
A reminder that the very word for Cathedral in Old Church Slavonic, Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian is the same as the word for Council, Sobor - Собор:
frescos in the Transfiguration of the Savior Cathedral (built 1506-1516) within the Transfiguration of the Savior Monastery (founded XII century) in Yaroslavl –
Спасо-Преображенский Собор (1506-1516 гг.) в Спасо-Преображенском Монастыре (основан в XII веке) в Ярославле. |
... and on the northern wall of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Sobor, frescos depicting the Fifth (553), Sixth (680-681) and Seventh (787) Ecumenical Councils - Οικουμενικές Σύνοδοι |
Written circa 1350 Anno Domini, fresco of Lord Jesus in the central nave of the narthex in the in Манастир Високи Дечани Метохије Косова и Метохије – the Visoki Dečani Monastery in the Metohija region of Kosovo and Metohija, then on up to cross vaulting panels on ceiling with frescoes with depictions of ecumenical councils. A glorious tribute to the Orthodox-Catholic Church and to European Christendom. Picture from 28 XII 2012. |
Rise, and have no fear. |
This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him. |
the Holy Spirit |
Man proposes, God disposes |