Concilium Tridentinum — Council of Trent
Concilio di Trento — Konzil von Trient
The Council met for twenty-five sessions between 13 December 1545 and 4 December 1563, though sessions nine, ten and eleven were held in Bologna in 1547.
Counted as the Nineteen Ecumenical Council by the Catholic Church, the Council of Trent is not regarded as ecumenical by the Orthodox or Oriental Orthodox Churches.
Obviously, as the council — the embodiment of the Counter-Reformation — was convoked to deal with Protestantism and its innovations and heresies, Protestants by definition reject it.
Cattedrale di San Vigilio, Duomo di Trento - consecrated in 1321, construction began on Trent Cathedral in 1212 over preexisting 6th century church.
The cathedral is dedicated to San Vigilio di Trento - Saint Vigilius of Trent (c. 353 - 26 June, 405), brother of Saints Claudian and Magorian,
missionary companion of martyr Saints Sisinnius, Martyrius and Alexander and friend of Saint John Chrysostom - Ἰωάννης ὁ Χρυσόστομος.
At the feet of the wooden crucifix of the Cathedral of Trent the decrees of the Council of Trent were promulgated.

Cattedrale di San Vigilio, Duomo di Trento - Trent Cathedral high altar and baldacchino
Ecce Crucem Domini ad Cuius Sanctissimos Pedes |
Sessione conclusiva del Concilio di Trento (1711), by Nicolo Dorigati (1662 - 1750) |
Sessione inaugurale del Concilio di Trento, also by Dorigati in 1711 |
Cattedrale di San Vigilio, Duomo di Trento - Trent Cathedral from a window
of the 13th century Palazzo Pretorio, now the Tridentine Diocesan Museum. |
Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore (built 1520 - 1524), home to the general congregations of IV 1562 to XII 1563 of the Council of Trent.
Religionis Dogmata Definita Exposita. Disciplina Restituta, Promotum in Clero Scientiae et Pietatis Studium. |
Lavanda dei piedi - Washing of disciples feet, tapestry made in Brussels in the early 16th century by Pierre van Aelst (1450 - c. 1533)

Istis Aqua de Petra |
old Catholic liturgical vestments looking much like what still are used in Orthodox liturgical celebration |
Trento and her Torre Civica from a window of the 13th century
Palazzo Pretorio, now the Tridentine Diocesan Museum. |
Via Guiseppe Verdi, how the times they have a' changed. |
... a bit unsatisfactory. |
... archaeology: remnants of city walls and structures from the 1st century, Before Christ, Roman city of Tridentum