By the Grace of God, she has competitors for beauty, and yet surely this is one of the most beautiful of Church buildings anywhere, and indeed for very late XX / early XXI century efforts, perhaps the თბილისის წმინდა სამების საკათედრო ტაძარი – Tbilisis cminda samebis sakatedro tadzari – Holy Trinity Cathedral of Tbilisi can even claim first place for beauty: wonderful, magnificent. |
Covered in gold and standing 5.6 meters and atop a 30 meter column, this statute of Saint George in the center of Tblilisi does make a striking impression. Sculptor Z.K. dze Tsereteli – ზურაბ კონსტანტინეს ძე წერეთელი – З.К. Церетели. |
Rise, and have no fear. |
This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him. |
the Holy Spirit |
Man proposes, God disposes |
საქართველო - ერთიანი ევროპული ქრისტიანობა |
Georgia - United European Christendom |