Кижи – Kizhi
Архитектурным Ансамблем Кижского Погоста в Карелии – The architectural ensemble of the Kizhi Pogost in Karelia
Allow that there are older wooden churches in Russia and elsewhere, and also that a capital renovation project was underway on this 20 July 2015 on what was and will be again the twenty-two dome, thirty-seven meter high Церковь Преображения Господня – Church of the Transfiguration (1714), still the Кижский Погост – Kizhi Pogost makes a striking impression. |
Iconostasis of the XVII/XVIII century Церковь Покрова Богородицы – Church of the Intercession of the Virgin Mother of God, the smaller of the two Churches of Kizhi Pogost – Погост Кижи |
Perhaps the oldest extant wooden Church in Russia, Церковь Воскрешения Лазаря – Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus, built sometime betwen the XIV and XVI centuries, and according to one legend by the hand of Brother Lazarus – Лазарь Мурманский (1286-1391), founder of the Murom Holy Dormition Monastery – Муромский Свято-Успенский Монастырь, and revered as a saint. The Church was relocated from the site where it was built on the eastern shores of Lake Onega to Кижи–Kizhi Island in the middle of the lake. |
"Rise, and have no fear." |
"This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him." |
the Holy Spirit |
Man proposes, God disposes |