Russian Federation
Псковская Область – Pskov Oblast |
In Novgorod the Great on 14 June 2016, looking past the southern side of the Millennium of Russia – Тысячелетие России (1862) toward the southern façade of Russia's oldest cathedral, the Собор Святой Софии – Cathedral of Saint Sophia (consecrated c. 1050 Anno Domini – μετά Χριστόν – От Рождества Христова) in Veliky Novgorod – Великий Новгород. |
Arkhangelsk |
Церковь во имя Святого Георгия, 1672 Год, Вологодская губерния, Сольвычегодский уезд, Верхнетоемская волость, село Вершины.
Church dedicated to Saint George, 1672 Anno Domini, from Vershini Village in Vologda Province, transplanted to Malie Koreli in Arkhangelsk Oblast.
All of Russia looks just like this, and such magnificent air, such idyllic weather graces every day of the year, as they did on this 23 May 2015. |
Кафедральный собор Успения Пресвятой Богородицы – Cathedral of the Dormition/Assumption of the Blessed Mother of God (constructed 1698-1710), was visited in 1722 by the appropriately impressed Great Peter (Пётр (Великий) I – Peter (the Great) I of Russia (r. 30 May (N.S. 9 June) 1682 to 28 January (N.S. 8 February) 1725)). The колокольня – bell tower was built 200 years later, in 1910, replacing earlier and less grandiose versions. Overall the stone walls and seven surviving towers (from an original eight) of the Астраханский Кремль – Astrakhan Kremlin were begun in 1582 during the reign of Peter's predecessor, the Terrible Ivan, replacing earlier wooden structures from 1558, also erected against the Ottomans during Ivan's reign (as a child Grand Prince of Moscow from 1533; then as Tsar of All the Russias – Государь, Царь и Великий Князьвсея Руси from 16 January 1547 to his death on 18 March [28 March N.S.] 1584). Curiously, in 1569 a Muslim Ottoman Turkish seige of Astrakhan ended in failure, and the following year, in 1570, Sultan Selim II (r. 7 September 1566 – 15 December 1574) renounced his claim to Astrakhan, so the Russians had the lower Volga and access to the Caspian Sea, and Sultan Selim was free for other ventures against European Christendom, like the trying to take Venice and succeeding in taking Cyprus. |
Astrakhan |
Купола Собора Успения (1559-1585) был заложен по велению Царя Ивана IV Грозного —
Cupola atop Cathedral of the Assumption (built 1559 to 1585, on orders from Tsar Ivan IV - the Terrible),
Свято-Троицкая Сергиева Лавра в Сергиевом Посаде — Holy Trinity Lavra of Saint Sergius in Sergiev Posad |
Церковь в Честь Рождества Святого Иоанна Предтечи —
Church of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist (1693-1699)
in the Свято-Троицкая Сергиева Лавра, основания 1337 год —
Holy Trinity Lavra of Saint Sergius, founded in 1337. |
Чайка над Белым морем |
Успенский Собор в Звенигороде – Dormition Church in Zvenigorod |
Могила Антона Павловича Чехова на Новодевичьем кладбище –
Grave of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in Novodevichy Cemetery |
Собор Василия Блаженного – Saint Basil's Cathedral |
Собор Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы, что на Рву — Собор Василия Блаженного.
Basilica of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos on the Moat — Saint Basil's Basilica.
Hopefully the legend about the architects having been blinded on orders of Ivan IV (the Terrible)
are not true. The presence in Moscow and the involvement of Italian architects and craftsmen
as also Greeks present from the fall of Constantinople in 1453, contributed to this glorious
Church, an assemblage of nine chapels, as also to the foundation for the Third Rome paradigm.
And yet again with this Church — built 1555 to 1561 to commemorate victories in the Russo-Kazan Wars,
specifically the fall of Kazan in 1562 — we see the perennial theme of Islam in Christendom, as always
contributing nothing, unless a contribution can be seen in Islam supplying a motivating force, for
Christian courage, for Christian endeavours of creativity in celebration of deliverance from invation
and seige, and as a reminder of the imperative of Christian unity in doctrine and in civilization. |
в июне на Оптиной Пустыни |
Russia, Orthodox Christian again ... completed in 2009,
the Cathedral of the Nativity of Our Lady of the Conception within the Zachatyevsky Stauropegic Convent in Moscow
Собор Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы, Зачатьевский Ставропигиальный Женский Монастырь в Москве |
Государственная Третьяковская Галерея - the Tretiakov Gallery, Moscow |
Троица, 1411 год или 1425 - 1427 — Troitsa, icon written in 1411 or 1425 - 1427
Андрей Рублёв - Andrei Rublyov (* c. 1360 - 29 I 1430 †)
metal and construction workers in Kostroma |
Arkhangelsk, Russia, United European Christendom |
Архангельск –Arkhangelsk
There is something seriously defective in any Descendant of European Christendom who does not love Russia. |

Новодевичий Богородице-Смоленский монастырь |
Novodevichy Convent Bogoroditse — Smolensky Monastery, founded in 1524 by Grand Prince Vasili III of Moscow in commemoration of the Conquest of Smolensk in 1514.
And as a curious note, the Siege of Smolensk in 1514 was but a small part of that civil war of European Christendom, one of countless, called the Moscovite-Lithuanian Wars, and these began in 1492. 1492 was an especially busy year for Christendom. Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492, yes, but it was also the year in which the Reconquista was crowned with its final success, if such matters can ever be said to be final. With the fall of the Islamic state of Granada on 2 January 1492, the Muslim invasion of the Iberian Peninsula 781 years earlier, in 711, was brought to an end. Of course in recent decades the political leadership of the European Union and Spain in particular is struggling mightily to reverse the Muslim reverses, allowing and encouraging mass immigration of everybody other than the Descendants of European Christendom into European Christendom, with Muslims granted special places of honor in these processes, Muslims and Jews. And this latter reminds one of another watershed event of 1492, the Edict of Expulsion, the Alhambra Decree of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon of 31 March 1492 ordering the expulsion of Jews by 31 July 1492. This decree was not formally revoked until 1968, under the influence of the Second Vatican Council, and now in the year 2014 Spain wants to encourage and honor and recompense Jews by offering them citizenship of Spain (allowing them to retain also their present citizenship) if only they satisfy absurdly conceived criteria of proof of decent via surname, language or other evidence. In other words, the offer is open to any Jew, so any Jew can now have European Union citizenship and unlimited access and right of movement and permanent residency and work permission and all the rest, rights denied to Canadian, Argentinian, American, Australian, Ukrainian and of course Russian Christians who are the Descendants of European Christendom and the rightful members and owners of European Christendom. Perhaps Spain's Justice Minister, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, rather than making himself an archenemy of European Christendom and his own country Spain, should rather have directed his talents, if any, to solving Spain's problems of a 25.1% unemployment rate (April 2014) and much more cataclysmic still a 1.36 births per woman fertility rate (circa 2.1 births per woman is replacement), joint gifts to European Christendom of the Second Vatican Council and the enormously increased prominence and influence of the atheist Jews from 1968 (or rather 1964/5) to the present.
Returning to Moscow and to Novodevichy, elsewhere we will have a look at some of the ways that this special place has been honored by Christian disunity and infighting at the rise in prominence and power of those peoples who have chosen hostility to Christianity and to Christendom.
... Religious Procession in the Kursk Province, by Repin |
These are, after all, so much of Russia; this beauty in Malie Koreli. |
Благословенно воинство Небесного Царя — Церковь воинствующая — Москва 1550 -ые годы - Blessed are the warriors of the Celestial King — The Church Militant — Moscow, 1550 |
α ω |
Глядя в сторону Псковского Кремля и в месте, где река Пскова впадает в реку Великая, плоская башня стоит возле и находит свое отражение в реке Пскове.
Далее на юг стоит северная башня стены Псковского Кремля, Кутекрома башня, построенная 1399 до 1400, а затем Троицкий собор, освященный 1699. |
Looking toward the Pskov Kremlin at the point where the Pskov River flows into the Great River, the Flat Tower stands nearest and is reflected in the Pskov River.
Further southward stands the northernmost tower of the Pskov Kremlin wall, the Kutekroma Tower, built 1399 to 1400, and then Trinity Cathedral, consecrated 1699. |
Ясная Поляна |
Флаг Российской Федерации – Flag of the Russian Federation |
Гонфалон – flown as Gonfalon |
Северные Крест – better Russian Flag with Christian Nordic Cross |
Россия, Объединённое Европейское Христианство |
Russia, United European Christedom |