Основания 1337 год – Founded in 1337
11 III 2015 |
The XVI century Dormition (or Assumption) Cathedral – Успенский Собор towers over this view. The light red building in the foreground — the Assumption Fountain and Chapel – Успенский Кладезь с Часовней (конец XVII в.) — dates a century and a half centuries more recently, the late XVII century. |
Митрополит Филарет, в миру Василий Михайлович Дроздов (* 26 декабря 1782 [6 января 1783] Коломна, с 22 августа 1826 Митрополит Московский и Коломенский–Москва 19 ноября [1 декабря] 1867 †) |
Metropolitan Philaret, secular name Vasily Mikhaylovich Drozdov (* 26 December 1782 [N.S. 6 January 1783] in Kolomna, from 22 August 1826 Metropolitan of Moscow – Moscow 19 November [N.S. 1 December] 1867 †) |
Трапезная Палата с Церковью Сергия (1686-1692 гг.) — Cupola of Refectory with the Church of St. Sergius |
Пятиглавая Надвратная Церковь Иоанна Предтечи (1693—1699) — Gate Church of Saint John the Baptist,
five-domed and, as with the bell tower, with baroque elements |
Царские Чертоги– Московская Духовная Академия и Московская Духовная Семинария (вторая половина XVII века).
XVII century Royal Palaces, now belonging to the Moscow Theological Academy and the Moscow Theological Seminary |
Церковь в Честь Рождества Святого Иоанна Предтечи – Church of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist (1693-1699) |
Церковь Сошествия Святого Духа на Апостолов (1476 – 1477 гг.)
Church in honor of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, on 11 III 2015 |
Троицкий Собор – Trinity Cathedral |
The higher cupola, to the far right, belongs to the first Church in Sergiev Posad, Троицкий Собор – Trinity Cathedral, built
1422 to 1423, and the home of the relics of the Patron Saint of Russia, Преподобный Сергий, всея России Чудотворец. |
Троицкий Собор, Преподобный Сергий, Игумен Радонежский, всея России Чудотворец * 3 Мая 1314 года или Май 1322 года - 25 Сентября 1392 †
Trinity Cathedral, built 1422 to 1423, and relics of Saint Sergius of Radonezh, the Wonderworker of All Russia, * 3 May 1314 (or May 1322) - 25 September 1392 † |
Apologizing. The leading Church of the Lavra, Троицкий Собор – Trinity Cathedral, was covered in scaffolding during March through May of 2015. Over weeks in April of 2006, only video was taken, and pictures from late 1998 were taken with regular old film, not yet digitalized. The photograph immediately above is the only picture on this page (and one of the very few in this project) not my own. It is taken from Wikicommons. Thank you, dear colleague. |
Interior icons written in fresco, the work of 1425 to 1427 of the masters Даниил Чёрный – Daniil Chyorny (c. 1360–1430) and
Saint Andrei Rublyov - Андрей Рублёв (* c. 1360 – 29 I 1430 †) and a group of their students. |
Троицкий Собор – Trinity Cathedral on 6 V 2015 |
Церковь в честь Сошествия Святого Духа на Апостолов (Духовская Церковь) — Church in honor of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, built 1476 to 1477 (at left) |
Колокольня – Belltower, built, with additions made to the orgininal plan of court architect John Jacob Schumacher, 1740-70. At 88 meters, the then highest buiding in Russia. |
Успенский Собор был заложен по велению Царя Ивана IV Грозного — Cathedral of the Assumption or Cathedral of the Dormition |
Built 1559-1585 on orders from Tsar Ivan IV (the Terrible). |
This extaordinary architectural ensemble is in the Свято-Троицкая Сергиева Лавра в Сергиевом Посаде — Holy Trinity Lavra of Saint Sergius in Sergiev Posad. |
Obscuring the leading Church, fifty-four years older and the oldest Church and extant structure in the Lavra and city — the Trinity Cathedral — here again is Церковь Сошествия Святого Духа на Апостолов (1476-1477 гг.) –
the Church in honor of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, here pictured from a different direction, and in a different season, now 6 V 2015. The Belfry, incorporated into the Church, above the roof structure and below the dome, is Pskovian and quite unusual. |
Колокольня – Belltower |
Императрица Всероссийская Елизавета Петровна – Empress Elizabeth of Russia (r. 25 November (6 December, N.S.) 1741 — 25 December 1761 (5 January 1762, N.S.) ), who also granted the Holy Trinity Monastery the honorary title of Lavra in 1744, gave instructions for the building of this Baroque masterpiece, at its completion in 1770, and at 88 meters, the tallest structure in Russia, if that is, the earlier-constructed (1731-1744; by German architect Gottfried Johann Schädel) and still taller (at 96.5 meters) Great Lavra Bell Tower of the Kyiv Monastery of the Caves is not to be counted as being located in Russia, as indeed it should not be. That lavra and its belfry were, after all, located in "Малая Русь – Little Russia," an insulting term for Україна – the Ukraine.
A series of architects lead the work, the first being the German -Alsatian -born Иоганн Якоб Шумахер – Johann Jakob Schumacher (1701-1767), a circumstance which surely must increase the displeasure of all exaggerated Slavophiles (Славянофильство), this thing after all being directly in the heart of Russia's most important monastery and seminary and Orthodox academy, in short, near the heart of the heart of Святая Русь - Holy Rus. D.V. Ukhtomsky – Д.В. Ухтомский and I.V. Michurin – И.Ф. Мичурин added to and brought to completion Schumacher's grand project. |

Колокольня – Belltower viewed from the South. |
Церковь в Честь Рождества Святого Иоанна Предтечи
– Church of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist |
Единому Богу |
Его Святейшество Кирилл Патриарх Московский и всея Руси
— His Holiness Kirill Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus'
(reign from 1 February 2009) |
Вниманте себя Братие ... |
Успенский Собор — Cathedral of the Assumption (1559-1585)
Cathedral of the Assumption in Sergiev Posad behind Assumption Fountain and Chapel, then moving to the viewer's right in the distance the Gate Church of Saint John the Baptist, then further right the Church in honor of the Descent of the Holy Spirit and finally at the southern, rightmost, the Refectory Hall and Church of Saint Sergius |
North wall of the XVI c. Dormition Cathedral (or Assumption Cathedral) - Успенский Собор, with XVII century frescos, including those of the lower row depicting the Seven Ecumenical Councils - Вселенские Соборы. |

Защитникам Отечества – Defenders of the Motherland (or is it Fatherland?) |

Битва на Куликовом Поле – Battle of Kulikovo Field, 8 September 1380 |
There is no doubt, the history of the Holy Trinity Saint Sergius Lavra, and that of the region and country in which it is situated, are inextricably tied with the theme, with the reality, of the perennial conflict between Islam and Christianity, between Christendom and the intractable Muslim felt need to transfer these lands from Dar al-Harb into Dar al-Islam. Still, if they find it politically expedient to do so in order to distract from domestic corruptions and failures, Russian leaders will try to morph this reality into the mass propaganda of paranoia against all foreigners, read against the rest of European Christendom, even though doing so weakens the forces of Christianity within Russia. The engraved caption of this very monument to Saint Sergius of Radonezh and his soldiers supplies one small illustration in bronze.
Там нет пути вокруг него,, история Свято-Троицкий Санкт-Сергиевой лавры, и что в регионе и стране, в которой он находится, неразрывно связаны с темой, с реальностью, из многолетних конфликтов между исламом и христианством, между христианского и неразрешимыми мусульманин чувствовал нужно передать эти земли из Дар-аль-Харб в Дар-аль-Ислам. Тем не менее, если они считают это политически целесообразно сделать так, чтобы отвлечь от внутренних коррупции и неудач, российские лидеры будут пытаться трансформировать эту реальность в массовой пропаганды паранойи против всех иностранцев, прочтите против остального европейского христианства, хотя делать так ослабляет силы христианства в России.Выгравированы надпись этого самого памятника преподобному Сергию Радонежскому и его солдат поставляет одну маленькую иллюстрацию в бронзе. |
Храм Сергия Радонежского на Куликовом Поле – Church of Saint Sergius of Radonezh in Kulikovo Field.
Among many towers, the Плотничья Башня – Carpenter Tower at the corner of the main fortress wall is in the center of this picture. Outside the wall, to the right in this view, the new red brick seminary and academy dormitory building suggests some prosperity. |
700 Летие – Anniversary |
Преподобный Отче Серфие Моли Бога о Нас – Reverend Father Sergei Pray for Us |
Усыпальница Годуновых – Crypt Shrine of Борис Фёдорович Годунов – Boris Fyodorovich Godunov |
Три Бедствия – Three Calamities,
at least in the view of the authors of text inscribed on
copper plates on a strangely placed obelisk in the
Holy Trinity Saint Sergius Monastery:
I. Татаро-Монгольское Иго (1237-1480)
— the Tatar-Mongol Yoke.
II. Папский-Польско-Иезуит вмешательство в Смутное Время
Papal-Polish-Jesuit intervention in the Time of Troubles (1605-1618), until
Kozma Minin – Козьма Минин and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky - Князь Дмитрий Михайлович Пожарский
saved the Universe by clearing the Moscow Kremlin of Polish forces on 1 November 1612.
III (here plate IV). A rather strange and confusing reference to the Streltsy Uprising – Стрелецкий Бунт of 1698, during the reign of Tsar Peter I (the Great), but with the implication that a list of heroic monks aided the embattled Tsar (who in fact was absent on his science and scientist gathering Grand Embassy in western and northern Europe. In fact Peter's reign was characterized by intensely strained relations with the Church and her leaders, which included the abolition of the office of Patriarch, effective with the death of Patriarch Adrain in 1700, but more formally with the establishment of the Most Holy Governing Synod (Святейший Правительствующий Синод) in 1721, which body endured until 1918, that is, including under the reign of now canonized Tsar Nicholai II. |

Not so very surprising to informed people is the absence from these copper plates, reproduced supra (which one is given to understand have been amended in very recent years) of reference to the far largest Calamity to inflict and infect Russia, to wit, atheist Bolshevism. Yes, the monument is of Lenin, still on 21 March 2015 looking directly at the Holy Trinity Saint Sergius Monastery, though outside the walls, still on the territory controlled by the Lavra! |
Though in 2005 a national public holiday (celebrated on 4 November) was made to honor the nearly 400-year-old achievement of Kozma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and their followers, effectively accentuating and glorifying conflict within European Christendom and among European Christians, as of 21 March 2015, Holy Rus' has not managed to reverse the course of honoring the atheist monsters who lead Bolshevism, including in this most singular location of Sergiev Posad. From 1930 through 23 September 1991 the spiritual center of Russia was re-named Zagorsk in "honor" of the atheist Jew Bolshevik, В.М. Загорский - V.M. Zagorskii, real surname Krochmal - настоящая фамилия Крохмаль. |
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Голубь друзей – pigeon friends outside the walls of the Lavra, with the the Paraskevy Pyatnitsy Church (nearer) and the Church of the Presentation in the Temple |
Paraskevy Pyatnitsy Church – Храм Параскевы Пятницы,
and the Церковь Введения во Храм – Church of the Presentation in the Temple, completed in 1547. |
Well, why shouldn't the doggie have a moustache? |
Свято-Троицкая Сергиева Лавра, основания 1337 год –, founded in 1337. |