Архангельск – Arkhangelsk
SS. Ambrosius – Nicolaus – Maurus – Placidus – Matrona |
One of the most extraordinary collections of relics in Russia or in the world, including for the circumstance that the relics of the two smaller reliquaries were gifts from the Patriarchate of Rome — the Catholic Church — to the Patriarchate of Moscow and All Rus'. To the viewer's left, the reliquary contains relics (body parts) of Sanctus Aurelius Ambrosius, Doctor Ecclesiae – Doctor of the Church Saint Ambrose – Амвросий Медиоланский (* 339 in Trier; 4 April 397 in Milan†) The middle reliquary contains body-part relics of three saints, including Николай Чудотворец – Άγιος Νικόλαος Μυριώτης – Sanctus Nicolaus – Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, certainly one of the most widely venerated of saints in Russia (* c. 270 in Patara, Asia Minor – 6 December c. 345 in Myra, Asia Minor † ); and Saint Maurus – Мавр and Saint Placidus– Плацида (6th century †), both Benedictine monks and abbots and both students of Sanctus Benedictus de Nursia – Святой Бенедикт Нурсийский – Benedict of Nursia , Patron Saint of Europe. The larger reliquary to the viewer's right contains relics of Блаженная Матрона Московская – Saint Matrona the Wonderworker of Moscow (* 1881 - 2 May 1952 in Moscow †), though very far away from these other saints in time and place, she is united with them in suffering and sanctity. |
... a city remarkable at all events for being, at 64°32'19" N, rather as far North ... |

Unfortunately named. Well, maybe the personnel have never heard of Володимир Іванович Вернадський – Vladimir/Volodimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, or in any case have never even thought of reading Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
Let us hope so. |
... as these well dressed gentlemen are South. |
... fine as a bees' wing. |
A Presidential Ukaz naming Arkhangelsk a City of War Glory, in 2009. Like all attempts to squeeze still more mileage out of World War II – the Great Patriotic War – it is really a very thinly veiled attempt to bolster in the hearts and minds of Russians far and wide a sense of separateness from other European Christians, separateness from their spiritual and genetic brother Descendants of European Christendom. After all, what better way to distract the Russian population from the spiritual and material shackles of a quarter century of ubiquitous cleptocratic corruption, following directly on the heals of three-quarters of a century of atheist Bolshevism? On this monument – quite beautifully conceived and executed, like most in Russia – the contrast with the truth is made all the more striking by the inclusion of imagery of Peter the Great, whose entire life's work reflected and embodied the exact opposite political philosophy to that of the "foreigners" of the rest of European Christendom as straw scarecrow. |
Arkhangelsk, Romanov once more. |
... and also noteworthy is the local fauna. |
Москва – Moscow – 1234; Санкт-Петербург –Saint Petersburg 1149 ; Владивосток – Vladivostok 10077 kilometers. |

The long anticipated union between Lenin and Sponge Bob draweth nigh. |
Celebrating nationalism, ignorance and fratricide in Arkhangelsk. |
Михаил Васильевич Ломоносов – Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov |
A city's most celebrated son, Михаил Васильевич Ломоносов – Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov (* 8 November 1711 – 4 April 1765 †) polymath who, among many other things, outlined the Principle of Mass Conservation in 1748, later (in 1774) also stated by Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier. (Both men's lives played out rather later than that of Epicurus (341 – 270 BC) who, describing the nature of the universe, wrote that "the totality of things was always such as it is now, and always will be.") For eight months in 1743 the Russian authorities thought that house arrest was just the thing for their greatest thinker and scientist because he had purportedly insulted members of the Russian Academy of Science. |
Monuments in Arkhangelsk celebrating the heroic victory of the Red Army against foreign interventionists (1918 - 1920) during the Russian Civil War, which foreign intervention, had it succeeded, would have saved the lives of multiple tens of millions of people in Russia, the Ukraine and throughout Europe:
- No century of Bolshevism;
- A much abbreviated Russian Civil War;
- No Soviet-Polish War of 1919-1921;
- No Famine of 1921-1922, the Голод в Поволжье – Povolzhye Famine, with 5 to 6 million dead;
- No Ежовщина – Yezhovshchina, the most murderous, 1937-1938 phase of the Great Terror – Большой Террор with uncounted millions more dead;
- No Голодомор – Holodomor, Ukrainian Terro Famine with not fewer than 7 million more dead;
- No World War II with 50 million dead spiraling out of a small, local German-Polish war over Danzig and the Corridor, which meant less than 100,000 dead, if it would have happened at all;
- No Cold War, with its threat of extinction-level-event world nuclear conflagration.
Sure was a good thing we kept those pesky foreigners out of Holy Rus'. Think of all the trouble they might have caused!
Of course sometimes foreign intervention is just a good and grand thing.
Though not exactly prominent, actually it is tiny, but still it is a bit surprising to see, in 2015, a museum exhibition in Arkhangelsk that acknowledges American material assistance in the Soviet's "Great Patriotic War," albeit without any reference to the magnitude or decisive importance of that "Lend-Lease" aid, "lend" and "lease" to make the gargantuan project more domestically palatable within the United States. Really these were gifted contributions to the Bolshevik war effort.

And what was the magnitude of American Lend-Lease aid to the U.S.S.R?
The 17.5 million tons of Lend-Lease goods shipped to the Soviet Union from 22 June 1941 to 20 September 1945 included:
- 1,911 locomotives and 11,225 rail freight cars (92.7% of the wartime production of railroad equipment by the USSR);
- 18,200 aircraft;
- 15,631 artillery pieces;
- 131,633 machine guns;
- 430,000 trucks and jeeps;
- 12,000 armored vehicles, including 7,000 tanks;
- 4,500,000 tons of food;
- Thousands of ship engines;
- 3,800,000 tires;
- Not less than 2,670,371 tons of gasoline and oil; etc., etc., etc.
Later Khrushchev, Zhukov and even Stalin himself (in Tehran in 1943) were to acknowledge, the decisive factor, without which the Soviet Union could not have maintained the war against the German and other Axis forces. |
Built in the Polish shipyards of Danzig – Gdańsk in 1987, the 2256 Registered Ton, 109.2 meter long, three masted Мир – Mir – Peace, designed by Zygmunt Choreń, won the Columbus Grand Regatta in 1992, celebrating the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. DOC photographed on 13 June 2015. |
Всему свое время, и время всякой вещи под небом:
время рождаться, и время умирать; время насаждать, и время вырывать посаженное;
время убивать, и время врачевать; время разрушать, и время строить;
время плакать, и время смеяться; время сетовать, и время плясать;
время разбрасывать камни, и время собирать камни; время обнимать, и время уклоняться от объятий;
время искать, и время терять; время сберегать, и время бросать;
время раздирать, и время сшивать; время молчать, и время говорить;
время любить, и время ненавидеть; время войне, и время миру.
— Екклесиаст 3:1-8 — |
Жертвам Интервенции (1918-1920) |
At one level of course, truth enthusiasts might take issue with the distortions in this obvious propaganda piece. But for the success, note, not simply existence but success, of atheist Bolshevism within Russia, World War II, that is, Phase II of the Great Civil War of European Christendom, 1914 - 1945, would not have taken place. Imagery attempting to suggest innocent, Christian Russia under attack has the matter nearly backwards. Likewise, World War II did not start for Soviet Russia in 1941, but rather in 1939, and the Soviet Union started it. At another level though, this sculpture in fact does present accurate imagery. Christianity in the catecombs and in the hearts of women just like the one cast in bronze here did survive and on a mass scale, and this in spite of the seemingly endless mass of the evil and the moronic who were eager, well, willing at least, to kill and die za Stalina. |
Arkhangelsk regional museum – Архангельский краеведческий музей |
Петр и Феврония Муромские
– Piotr and Fevronia of Murom
Canonized in 1547 and now celebrated on 8 July (N.S.), the oral hagiography of a XIII century prince and a peasant girl — both turned exiles, then recalled and beloved rulers, still later monastics, and dying on the same day and hour in 1228 and miraculously reunited in the same grave — all meet beloved 16th century foklore (the work of Ermolai-Erasmus) and the tale of a deceiving serpent and a wise virgin.
A guileful snake takes the form of Prince Pavel in order to deceive Pavel's wife. Eventually she learns that the snake can be killed, but only by Pavel's brother, Piotr, using a miraculous sword, Agrikov. But in accomplishing the deed, Piotr is sprinkled with the dying serpent's blood, which causes leprous sores to appear, covering his body. It is later discovered that only a peasant girl, Fevronia, can cure Piotr, which she then later does, and the reward she claims is the hand in marriage of that same Prince Piotr. Piotr reneges on his promiss, offering material riches instead, but the clever Fevronia has only temporarily healed Piotr, and when his ailment reemerges, so does his offer of marriage to Fevronia. When Piotr succeeds to the princedom of his brother Pavel, the other noble people take umbrage at the peasant as princess. Refusing to put her away, Piotr and Fevronia go together into exile. Thereafter the nobles begin warring against each other in regular Russian fashion, and Piotr is recalled with his bride by the repentent boyars. The two wax the wisest and gentlest of rulers. In their later years they both enter monasteries. They repose on the same hour of the same day, and, though buried separately, as a monk and a nun can not be buried in a common grave, their bodies are in fact miraculously reunited in a common grave. |
Сергиев Посад –Sergiev Posad
Архангельск – Arkhangelsk
– מִיכָאֵל – Αρχάγγελος Μιχαήλ – Archangel Saint Michael – Архангел Михаил – |
Архангельские Гостиные дворы на мысе Пур-Наволок – Arkhangelsk Gostiny Dvor, built along Pur Navolok 1668-1671 |
Arkhangelsk regional museum – Архангельский краеведческий музей |

Allow that we may hope that Serov was baptized. And a nice sentiment to find in Arkhangelsk. |
Северная Двина – Northern Dvina |
Модель фрегата самого раннего XVIII века, возможно, «Святой апостол Павел»
Model of a frigat of the earliest XVIII century, possibly the "Holy Apostle Pavel" |
Apart from likely associations with Freemasonry, this is really a rather nifty monument and adornment to the public streets of Arkhangelsk, but for the fact of course that, like Marxism itself, it misrepresents utterly the underlying reality. Philosophies and practices of "scientific" materialism, state ownership of the means of production and central planning brought neither prosperity nor dignity to the fishermen, milkmaids, indigenous reindeer herders or lumberjacks of the far North. They brought their opposites. As with all that the Bolsheviks touched elsewhere, after the most productive and sober and successful of the workers of the land and seas were labelled Kulaks and murdered off as such, all remaining people were taught that they did not deserve the dignity of owning the products of their own labor, any more than the tools to carry out such labors or the land on which to labor. All these would be controlled by the planners themselves, and take a wild guess who were to be and were in fact enormously over-reprented among this new, in effect, ownership class. The reader should note especially that the sudden emergence as if from out of Hell of these brazen, self-appointed managers and planners and directors was even more pernicious, if such is possible, than was the same phenomenon elsewhere in Russia, because the farm workers in these northern reaches had not previously been under the system of serfdom. Their traditions of dignified self-sufficiency and organic Christian, neighborly mutual help ran far deeper. |
The fortress to the right in the photo was finished in 1584 Anno Domini, when the throne in Moscow is being vacated by Иван IV Васильевич, прозванный Грозным – Ivan IV Vasilyevich, rather better known as Ivan the Terrible (* 25 August 1530 – 18 March 1584, which is 28 March, New Style, as since 1582 there was a better, if unfortunately named, calendar †). |
... and more recent developments . |
... believe it or not captured directly out of my apartment window. |
Русское православие честь и почитание Папу.
Russian Orthodoxy honoring and venerating a Pope.
XVI century icon from Архангельская Область – Arkhangelsk Oblast, once in the Никольская Церковь – Church of Saint Nicholas (1763)
in Нёнокса – Nyonoksa. |

Chronological order of panels with
scenes from life of the saint. |
Климент I – Άγιος Πάπας Κλήμης Α΄ – Clemens I Romanus – Pope Saint Clement I
Consecrated by Apostle Saint Peter, the Liber Pontificalis lists Saint Clement as
the fourth pope (r. 92 to 99), the third successor after Peter, after Saints Linus
and Anacletus/Cletus. Relics translated to the Basilica of Saint Clement by
Свети Константин-Кирил Философ – Свети Кирил – Saint Cyril c. 868. |