Republic of Latvia
Svētā Jēkaba katedrāle – Jakobskirche – Cathedral Basilica of Saint James, dedicated to Apostle Saint James the Greater. The Church was consecrated in 1225. After being repeatedly seized by Protestants and then recaptured, this beautiful Church building was returned in 1923 to the Orthodox-Catholic Church. |
Glühwein Riga 7 January 2015 |
Kristus Piedzimšanas pareizticīgo katedrāle – Христорождественский Кафедральный Собор – the Nativity of Christ Cathedral
Dating to 1209, perhaps earlier, Svētā Pētera Evaņģēliski Luteriskā Baznīca – Petrikirche – Saint Peter's Church was of course built as a Catholic Church. Though it collapsed in 1666, killing people, between its construction in 1491 and that year a 136 meter steeple made this church one of the tallest in Christendom. Damaged and rebuilt many times, it now bears Martin Luther's name, so of course it is empty as a Church, but doing nicely enough as a museum, charging 7 Euros admission, and as an entrance way to an elevator-accessed tower and perhaps, with a viewing platform at 72 meters, the best view of Riga. |
Rennaisance Revival in Riga - the Parliament of Latvia, the Saeima
Riga, European Christendom |
Latvija - Saliedēts Eiropas Kristīgā |
Latvia - United European Christendom |