Свято-Успенский Псково-Печерский Монастырь
Holy Dormition Pskov Monastery of the Caves
Купола Успенско-Покровской Церкви в Стиле Украинского Барокко – Ukrainian Baroque cupolas, XIX century additions, above the Intercession-Dormition Churches. |
... from east northeast looking west southwest and all in United European Christendom – Объединённое Европейское Христианство |
Церковь Николы Вратаря – Church of Saint Nikolai at the Gate (built 1565) and the Holy Gates Tower – Святые Надвратная Петровская Башня |
Успенская площадь с Покровской церкви (построенной 1759), слева зрителя, и Успенская церковь (построен 1473), на право зрителя, разделяя общую стену. |
Dormition Square with the Intercession Church (built 1759), to the viewer's left, and the Assumption Church (built 1473), to the viewer's right, sharing a common wall. |
The Sacristy – Ризница to the far left (red building) dates to the XVI (or XVII) century |
σήμαντρον – Semantron – Било |
Izborsk Tower – Изборская башня |
Осада Пскова – Оборона Пскова – The Siege (or Defense, depending on one's perspective) of Pskov. (Take no aire of superior virtue, dear Russian sisters and brothers. Your treatment of Christian Poland has been villainous, and a whole lot more recently than 1581.) |
A painting in a hall of the Третьяков – Tretyakov, the work of 1839-1843 by К.П. Брюллов – K.P. Bryullov (1799 - 1852), depicting the Siege of Pskov lead by Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth King Stephan Batory in 1581. |
Собор в честь Архистратига Михаила (сооружён в 1815-1827 годах) по проекту Итало-швейцарский архитектор Луиджи Руска в стиле Классицизма. |
Cathedral in honor of the Archangel Saint Michael (built 1815-1827) on the plans of the Italian-Swiss architect, Luigi Rusca (1762-1822) in the classical style. |
The Church was built to celebrate a victory over Napoleon in October of 1812 by troops led by |
Генерал-Фельдмаршал Граф Людвиг Адольф Петер Витгенштейна – Generalfeldmarschall Graf (seit 1834 Fürst) Ludwig Adolf Peter zu Sayn-Wittgenstein |
Бедные, бедные Славянофилы! poor, poor Slavophiles! |
From the Southwest, and from viewer's left: Тайловская Башня– Taylovskaya Tower > Башня Верхних решёток – Tower of Upper Lattices > then wall climbing up toward the Тарарыгина Башня – Tararygina Tower (not pictured here). Inside the monastery fortress walls can be seen the golden dome of Михайловский Собор – the Cathedral dedicated to Archangel Michael. |
"Rise, and have no fear." |
"This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him." |
the Holy Spirit |
Man proposes, God disposes |