Валаамский Спасо-Преображенский Монастырь
Valaam Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Saviour
Спасо-Преображенский Собор – Transfiguration of the Saviour Cathedral of Valaam Monastery |
The legend that the monastery on Valaam Island, toward the north of Ладожское Озеро-Lagoda, Europe's largest lake, was founded in the X century by the two monks pictured in this mosaic, though very possibly apocryphal, nonetheless points to a vital aspect in the self-understanding of the early Church thinkers, chroniclers and leaders in Russia: the Church came to Russia through Greek Byzantium, and the Church was initially, and for centuries following, lead by Greeks. Pious versions of the legend have Сергий Валаамский – Saint Sergius of Valaam arriving in Valaam from Byzantium or Athos, via Kiev and Novgorod, in 1329, at the end of the X century, or even as a companion of Apostle Andrew during I century Apostolic times. Saint Sergius was joined by co-founder, Герман Валаамский – Saint Herman of Valaam, a monk possibly of Karelian origin. |
... beauty at the Воскресенский Скит (Новоиерусалимский или Красный Скит) – Resurrection Skete, also known as the New Jerusalem or Red Skete. |
... and at the Transfiguration of the Savior Cathedral – Спасо-Преображенский Собор |
Трапезная – Trapeza – Refectory |
Saint Olga honored before other saints, pictured highlighted and standing closer to Christ in the Спасо-Преображенский Собор – Transfiguration of the Saviour Cathedral of Valaam Monastery |
Часовня Валаамской Иконы Божией Матери – Chapel of the Valaam Icon of the Mother of God with the Спасо-Преображенский Собор – Transfiguration of the Saviour Cathedral, the main Church of Valaam Monastery in the background, here on 24 VII 2015. |
Святіи Преподобніи Отцы Наша Сергие и Германе Молите Бога о Насъ |
The legend that the monastery on Valaam Island, toward the north of Ладожское Озеро-Lagoda, Europe's largest lake, was founded in the X century by the two monks pictured in this mosaic, though very possibly apocryphal, nonetheless points to a vital aspect in the self-understanding of the early Church thinkers, chroniclers and leaders in Russia: the Church came to Russia through Greek Byzantium, and the Church was initially, and for centuries following, lead by Greeks. Pious versions of the legend have Сергий Валаамский – Saint Sergius of Valaam arriving in Valaam from Byzantium or Athos, via Kiev and Novgorod, in 1329, at the end of the X century, or even as a companion of Apostle Andrew during I century Apostolic times. Saint Sergius was joined by co-founder, Герман Валаамский – Saint Herman of Valaam, a monk possibly of Karelian origin. |
24 VII 2015 |
Rise, and have no fear |
Man proposes, God disposes |