Johan Jozef Bonny (born 10 July 1955) was installed as the Bishop of Antwerpen, Belgium on 4 January 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI, but do not count on any of the Neo-Catholics or Traditionalist Catholics to dwell on that fact. He is also a member of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. This miscreant sodomy-celebrating Homosexualist, whether homosexual himself or not, is one of many elevated to the episcopacy by Pope Benedict and by the Saintly Koran Kisser. Try to Google, Yahoo or Bing his name and the words gay or homosexual or the initialism LGBT. Personnel is policy.
Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels and Primate of Belgium André-Joseph Léonard was a bit better, so of course he was not elevated to the Cardinalate (as is usual for the Primate of Belgium, like his Freemasonic-friendly and homosexuality- and pederasty-tolerating predecessor Godfried Cardinal Danneels), and now André-Joseph Léonard is stepping down. His replacement has been named by Danneels' old buddy Bergoglio, Pope Francis. And guess what? Yup, the new Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels and Primate of Belgium is soon to be the Homosexualist, Jozef De Kesel (born 17 June 1947). De Kesel is, and since 2010 has been (so appointed by Pope Benedict) Bishop of the beautiful Bruges-Brugge of Belgium, though of course he was first made a bishop earlier, appointed by Pope John Paul II, and so the pattern goes. What a nice inheritance we in the Church have received by Pope Francis' saintly predecessors, but make sure you don't mention this to George Weigel, or, if you are in any way dependent on that Chrislam creep Kreeft, in front of him or his, or to anyone in the EWTN crowd.
Now before His Excellency De Kesel was made Bishop of Bruges on 10 July 2010, that illustrious office was held by that most excellent kiddie diddler, Bishop Roger Joseph Vangheluwe, but this one got caught. One of his victims was a nephew whom Vangheluwe was abusing from when the victim was five years old. We can report thought that as of 11 XI 2015 (?what else happened on that date?) the bishop has not been bludgeoned to death.
Now if all of this sickens and disgusts you at the visceral, congratulations. There is hope for you. If in addition you understand that in the Catholic Church the recent popes have bequeathed us, not homosexual priests, bishops and cardinals only, but a homosexual and/or Homosexualist priesthood, episcopacy and cardinalate, then in addition to integrity you can count and give thanks for the gift of intelligence. But if you believe that these self-same cardinals, metropolitan archbishops, bishops and priests are going to sort out the problem, the catastrophe, for example through some electoral process with only them voting, you are, functionally, an idiot. The laity will resolve this, or it will not be resolved. |