Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal - Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal
A view from Saint David near Madawaska in French-speaking Maine across the Saint John River to New Brunswick in Canada. The twin spires of the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Edmundston rise above the city, in multiple senses. |
True, L'Anse aux Meadows on Newfoundland Island — the probable site of the Viking colony of Vinland established in c. 1000 Anno Domini by Leifr Eiríksson – Leifur Eiríksson – Leiv Eiriksson – Leif Erikson and his coreligionists and compatriots — is 1036 km as the crow flies (or 1791 km as the roads and ferries go) northeast of Edmundston. Here the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Edmundston in New Brunswick in Canada. Much was happening in the Year of Our Lord 1000 in the Nordic corner of Christendom ... and the Orthodox-Catholic Church was still united – still simply The Church – save for the Non-Chalcedonian Churches. |
— the Old Evangelization —
Leifr Eiríksson sculpture in Reykjavík by A.S. Calder with Cross and in chainmail with sword and battleaxe. |
Basilique-cathédrale Notre-Dame de Québec |

Maisonneuve Monument, Jeanne Mance and Raphaël Lambert Closse |

Lily of the Mohawks - Saint Kateri Tekakwitha (1656 – 17 April 1680) |
Basilique Notre-Dame de Montréal - Notre-Dame Basilica |
Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal - Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal, Montreal, Canada |
Actually, in Pskov on 17 May 2016 in Russia, lying at about 57°19 North 29°15 East to Montreal's 45°30 North 73°34 West |

Cathédrale Marie-Reine-du-Monde - Mary Queen of the World Cathedral |
Basilique Notre-Dame de Montréal - Notre-Dame Basilica |
Basilique Notre-Dame de Montréal et Paul de Chomedey, sieur de Maisonneuve
Orthodoxy Plus |
Is the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia in Canada, like their brethren in the United States of America, busy resenting rather than gratefully appreciating their hosts, perpetuating Ethnophyletism and embracing and preaching Orthodoxy Plus, an heretical mixture of Orthodox Christianity plus Russian (or allow Greek or any other) chauvinistic nationalism, taken to an extreme level of distortion and dishonesty?
Есть Русская Православная Церковь Заграницей в Канаде, как своих братьев в Соединенных Штатах Америки, занятых обижаясь, а не с благодарностью оценивая их хозяев, увековечение этнофилетизма и, обняв и проповеди Православия Плюс, еретический смесь православия плюс Российской шовинистического национализма, принято до предельного уровня искажений и нечестности? |
Thinking of turning for holy solace to the Catholics of the Orthodox-Catholic Church, think again. How far we have degenerated from the days of Maurice Duplessis: Le ciel est bleu; l'enfer est rouge (Heaven is blue (Union Nationale); Hell is red (Liberal)). And the credit goes to the Catholic Church, not of course in Her real, ontological essence, where She, the Bride of Christ, is eternally perfect and perfectly beautiful. But by the sharpest of contrasts, the personnel of the human institutional Catholic Church have chosen en masse and over an extended period of many decades, to make themselves enemies of The Church, a Fifth Column of traitor bishops and priests and professors within Her: Marxist, Modernist and Homosexualist and nowhere more brazen and demonaic than in Canada.
Indeed with the only True Faith so thoroughly excoriated, and thus over a multi-generational period, it may seem out of place in 2016 to be referencing the Winnipeg Statement of 1968, in opposition to Humanae Vitae, or the "Gang of Five" traitor bishops — Archbishop Francis Pocock, Cardinal Gerald Carter, his brother, Bishop Alexander Carter, Cardinal George Bernard Flahiff, and Archbishop Joseph-Aurèle Plourde; each at various times head of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops — who oh' so diplomatically championed the open road for contraception; hook-up culture; the degradation of women; abortion; sodomy celebration (and hate speech laws against those who decline to join in the celebration); and the destruction of the Christian family. But there are also faithful priests and bishops, and in connection with the Winnipeg Statement and its progeny, Msgr. Vicent Foy comes quickly to mind.
(Note However: The atheist and Talmudic Jews who figure so remarkably prominently – on both the legal advocacy side and the medical murderer side – in the abortion industry, men such as the leading monster, Polish-born Canadian Jew Henekh "Henry" Morgentaler, now dead, who Canada chose to honor with its second highest award, the Order of Canada – Ordre du Canada, for his trail blazing work in vacuum aspiration and other methods of murdering Christians by the millions in their mothers' wombs, such men well understand that it is not of their own being murdered by the millions. This is how far Canada has sunk. But do not hold your breath waiting for EWTN or Catholic Answers or the Ethics and Public Policy Center or Church Militant or the Catholic News Service or the Vatican Curia or the Pope to stand up and call out by name and by group affiliation the enemies of the Church and mass murderers of Christians. After all, that might actually give Christendom a fighting chance.)
“The road to hell is paved with the skulls of erring priests, with bishops as their signposts.” |
Attributed to Saint and Doctor of the Church John Chrysostom |
And yet we soldier on, rejecting despair and rather in the hope that the Orthodox, (non-Chalcedonian) Oriental Orthodox and Catholics of the Orthodox-Catholic Church can supply each other's deficiencies. |
Basilique-cathédrale Notre-Dame de Québec — Located on this site since 1647, the parish Church of the oldest Orthodox-Catholic parish in North America north of Mexico. Most of present structure is 19th and 20th Century. |
In sequence from the viewer's left, the American Falls, tiny Luna Island, Bridal Veil Falls, Goat Island and then the Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side of the Niagara River. Only a drop of about 50 meters, in some places 55, still, in terms of water flow – and average of 5750 m³/s, though which can reach 170,000 cubic meters per minute depending on how much water Lake Eire decides to send on down to Lake Ontario at that given time of year – or in terms of water flow plus drop, these are the most powerful waterfalls in the world. |
From over the American Falls of Niagara Falls in New York looking over toward the city of Niagara Falls in Ontario, and isn't European Christendom wonderful? |
Canada - Chrétienté Européenne Unie |
Canada - United European Christendom |