Italian Republic
Trento – Trent |
Palazzo Quetta Alberti-Colico, Trento. The facade includes both 15th and 16th century frescos. During the Concilium Tridentinum – the Council of Trent, guests included the famous Augustinian theologian Cardinal Girolamo Seripando. |
Cattedrale di San Vigilio, Duomo di Trento - Trent Cathedral, the main home of the Council of Trent, from a window of the 13th century Palazzo Pretorio, now the Tridentine Diocesan Museum. |
On the Ponte Sant'Angelo and leading up to the Castel Sant'Angelo, named for Archangel Saint Michael. The sometime Mausoleum of Hadrian (r. 10 August 117 – 10 July 138), constructed in 123 - 139 AD, was turned to papal fortress — connected to what is now Vatican City by the 800 meter-long, elevated passageway, Passetto di Borgo — and variously also a prison, though now serving as a museum, at least during quiet times. |
Basilica Papale di San Paolo fuori le Mura - Papal Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls
Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God which he promised beforehand through his prophets in the holy scriptures, the gospel concerning his Son, who was descended from David according to the flesh and designated Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord, through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name among all the nations, including yourselves who are called to belong to Jesus Christ;
To all God’s beloved in Rome, who are called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. |
Saint Paul's Letter to the Romans 1:1-7 |
Ancona harbour on the east coast of the boot, and on a hill overlooking the harbor Basilica Cattedrale Metropolitana di San Ciriaco – the Metropolitan Cathedral-Basilica of Saint Cyriacus, completed in 1017 Anno Domini on the site of a still much older Church dating to the VI century. |
Not exactly at the the centroid, the orthocenter or the circumcenter of that more or less equilateral triangle with Turin-Milan-Genoa at the vertices, still Casale Monferrato is not far off one of the several centers of such a triangle. And what a beautiful place it is, not least because of this, its 900-year-old, Lombard-Romanesque style Cathedral, Duomo di Sant'Evasio, consecrated on 7 January 1107 by Pope Paschal II, which in turn replaced a church on the site centuries older still. ... Praying for the grace and prayers of Orthodox and Catholic, and so Orthodox-Catholic Saint Evasius – Sant'Evasio ... |
In all by which we Europeans differ from the rest of mankind there is nothing which was not originally peculiar to the Roman Empire, or is not demonstrably derived from something peculiar to it.
In material objects the whole of our wheeled traffic, our building materials, brick, glass, mortar, cut-stone, our cooking, our staple food and drink; in forms, the arch, the column, the bridge, the tower, the well, the road, the canal; in expression, the alphabet, the very words of most of our numerous dialects and polite languages, the order of still more, the logical sequence of our thought—all spring from that one source. So with implements: the saw, the hammer, the plane, the chisel, the file, the spade, the plough, the rake, the sickle, the ladder; all these we have from that same origin. Of our institutions it is the same story. The divisions and the sub-divisions of Europe, the parish, the county, the province, the fixed national traditions with their boundaries, the emplacement of the great European cities, the routes of communication between them, the universities, the Parliaments, the Courts of Law, and their jurisprudence, all these derive entirely from the old Roman Empire, our well-spring.
It may here be objected that to connect so closely the worldly foundations of our civilization with the Catholic or universal religion of it, is to limit the latter and to make of it a merely human thing.
The accusation would be historically valueless in any case, for in history we are not concerned with the claims of the supernatural, but with a sequence of proved events in the natural order. But if we leave the province of history and consider that of theology, the argument is equally baseless. Every manifestation of divine influence among men must have its human circumstance of place and time. The Church might have risen under Divine Providence in any spot: it did, as a fact, spring up in the high Greek tide of the Levant and carries to this day the noble Hellenic garb. It might have risen at any time: it did, as a fact, rise just at the inception of that united Imperial Roman system which we are about to examine. It might have carried for its ornaments and have had for its sacred language the accoutrements and the speech of any one of the other great civilizations, living or dead: of Assyria, of Egypt, of Persia, of China, of the Indies. As a matter of historical fact, the Church was so circumstanced in its origin and development that its external accoutrement and its language were those of the Mediterranean, that is, of Greece and Rome: of the Empire.
By the close of the first century after the Incarnation, when the Catholic Church had already been obscurely founded in many a city, and the turn of the world's history had come, the Roman Empire was finally established in its entirety. By that time, from the Syrian Desert to the Atlantic, from the Sahara to the Irish Sea and to the Scotch hills, to the Rhine and the Danube, in one great ring fence, there lay a secure and unquestioned method of living incorporated as one great State.
This State was to be the soil in which the seed of the Church was to be sown. As the religion of this State the Catholic Church was to develop. This State is still present, underlying our apparently complex political arrangements, as the main rocks of a country underlie the drift of the surface. Its institutions of property and of marriage; its conceptions of law; its literary roots of Rhetoric, of Poetry, of Logic, are still the stuff of Europe. The religion which it made as universal as itself is still, and perhaps more notably than ever, apparent to all. |
- Hilaire Belloc, Europe and the Faith, Sine auctoritate nulla vita (1920) - |

Pax tibi Marce, evangelista meus.
May Peace be with you, Mark, my evangelist. |
dalla Basilica Cattedrale Patriarcale di San Marco a Venezia |
La Piazza di San Marco (1742) di Canaletto, National Gallery in Washington |
Il Battistero Neoniano, detto anche degli Ortodossi - Neonian Bapistery, also known as the Orthodox Baptistery
this oldest of extant Christian monuments of Ravenna was built at the direction of Bishop Ursus -
Sant'Orso di Ravenna c. 400 AD; finished with mosaics added during the reign (451 - 475) of Bishop Neone. |
... visible from left to right are (partially obscured) the fifth century Neonian Bapistery - Il Battistero Neoniano,
the tenth century bell tower - Romanesque campanile of the former Basilica of Saint Ursus, and
the eighteenth century Cathedral of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ -
Cattedrale metropolitana della Risurrezione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo, Ravenna. |
Basilica Sancti Francisci Assisiensis – Basilica Papale di San Francesco d'Assisi – Papal Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi |
Constructed from 1228 and consecrated in 1253, the Mother Church of the Ordo Fratrum Minorum – Order of Friars Minor, the Franciscans, here at dusk in July of 2012 |
"Preach the Gospel at all times. If necessary use words." |
Except that the Great Doctor of the Church, Sanctus Franciscus Assisiensis – San Francesco d'Assisi – Saint Francis of Assisi (* 26 September 1181 or 1182 – 3 October 1226 †), never made this statement, nor would he ever have embraced the doctrine-does-not-matter-much –spirit which motivates those who produce this quotation so often, frequently "Neo-Catholics" and their close kindred non-Catholics and non-Christians. The Syncretism– / Religious Indifferentism– of such pop-theology misquoters essentially runs, that the maintenance of doctrinal purity — of the content of the faith — is of little importance, and those people unwaivering in their defence of right doctrine are basically hypocrites. To be truly good, they should instead focus on the alms giving branch of caritas. Such a false dichotomy is greatly in error. Over the long run, yes certainly, and most often appearing not all that far down the road, it is only the one true faith and the spiritual life of the orthodox-catholic Church which will sustain people in their quests to perform corporal and spiritual works of mercy through the Whips and Scorns of time. It is the orthodox Christian one can find doing volunteer work in the leper colony or otherwise engaged in sacrificial giving over the long haul. The syncretic will pan out to be the hypocrite and ususally with no very great delay. |
Italia - Cristianità Europea Unita |
Italy - United European Christendom |